
About Photography

Photography is more than just a camera and a subject.  It is light and life and moments in time.  Delivering a beautiful product to my customer is something I take pride in.  Editing out the gray and bringing colors alive is something special that happens in the wee hours of the morning… just me and my photoshop.  That is not to say that the only way you will look good is without the wrinkles or the acne or the whispy hairs.  Photoshop is a photographers tool used for magic!  It takes the beautiful shot and makes it dance!

Reasons to Choose My Services

1 – passion

I have a passion for music, for learning, for taking care of my family, many things that center with me.  However, my passion for photography is really centered on how I make other people feel.  Whether it be a photo of a child, or a beautiful landscape, I like to create emotions as well as photos.  This is what sets apart my work from others.  When I know that my photo will be in someone else’s living room for years because they feel something from it, that inspires me to keep working and learning new techniques.

2 – philosophy

Photography is a way of looking at the world.  It is the art of storytelling without words.  It can make you feel certain ways, even a simple portrait.  The way I choose to see it can and will be very different from how you see it.  It is where our two visions collide that the spark occurs.

3 – insight

I believe in making a photo shoot as relaxed and easy as possible.  I have children… I get it.  I got married… I get it.  Life and situations can be crazy, especially when you are praying for your four year old to smile in the short 20 minute photo session you just paid a bundle for.  Weddings are meant to be a day of love and celebration, but try to find a bride that hasn’t had a nervous breakdown wondering if their photographer actually got all the shots they requested. I am always as flexible and easy-going as possible.  You can’t rush creativity, perfection, or a four year old.

Contact Me

14 Cheyenne Trail
West Greenwich, RI 02817.

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